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Adam Matthews
Chicago, IL

Articles written by Adam Matthews

The Change That Could Transform Your Photography

There are many opinions and pieces of guidance imparted to new photographers. Many show up regularly, like how you should “make” photos rather than “take” them. Some of this advice is helpful, while other pieces might crush your creativity. Following the advice to avoid one common technique may unintentionally stunt your growth without you even realizing it.

Sustaining Your Growth After a Photography Workshop

The impact of a photography workshop doesn’t end with the last official event. If you continue to engage with the lessons and inspiration you gained during your time there, you can allow them to shape your photographic journey in meaningful and lasting ways.

How to Prepare for a Photography Workshop

A photography workshop provides an immersive opportunity to dedicate an extended time to your photography. But before embarking on the journey, you’ll want to prepare yourself so that you make the most of the experience.