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Andy Day
Paris, FR

Articles written by Andy Day

What Does the Future Hold for Canon APS-C DSLR Shooters?

Following a recent interview with one of Canon’s senior executives, we’re getting more of an insight into what the Japanese giant has in mind for its vast range of cameras: EOS M is the most likely future of APS-C mirrorless, with no suggestion that there will ever be mirrorless versions of the large array of crop-sensor DSLRs.

Five Reasons Why You’ll Never Earn Good Money as a Photographer

The annual income of the typical photographer in the U.S. is 20 percent less than the national average. There are both good and bad reasons why photographers don't earn a decent wage and you might want to give these five reasons some thought if you want to survive as a creative image-maker in the modern world.

Can You Make Money From Stock Photography?

Many photographers dream of making money by shooting stock or perhaps generating a passive income as a result of photos that you would have shot anyway. But how realistic is it to make money from uploading your images to stock libraries? A photographer with three years of experience gives a very honest verdict.

If Canon Is Planning an Even Cheaper Full Frame Mirrorless Camera, What Will It Be?

During a fascinating interview given by one of the company's senior executives, Canon dropped a few bombshells, including the plan for a full frame mirrorless camera that is even cheaper than the recently launched EOS RP. When you consider how affordable (and limited) the RP is, you have to wonder what Canon has in mind.

Nikon Needs to Fix this Depth of Field Problem on the Z 6 and Z 7

Nikon’s brand new mirrorless cameras, the Z 6 and the Z 7, have one important feature that’s missing and according to one photographer, needs to be addressed through a firmware update as soon as possible. Check out this short video to find out what needs to be fixed.

Pixelmator Photo Now Available on the iPad

The team behind Pixelmator Pro have just announced the launch of their software on the App Store having made the software available for iPad. It promises non-destructive adjustments, AI-powered enhancements, a number of presets, and full raw support.

Don’t Worry, APS-C Isn’t Going Anywhere

With the explosion of full frame cameras over the last few years, speculation has mounted as to the future of APS-C and micro four-thirds. In this quick video, photographer Dave McKeegan offers his insights in the camera industry and gives his thoughts as to why APS-C is here to stay.

How I Boosted My Creativity With One Simple Trick

With one simple change to my everyday routine, I suddenly feel more creative, able to generate ideas more quickly, and with greater clarity. You can achieve the same thing with one simple trick that won’t cost you a penny.

Which U.S States Pay Photographers the Best Salaries?

If you want to earn the most money from your photography, where should you live? has compiled a ranking of American States which pay photographers the best salaries. If you live in Massachusetts, stay put; if you live in Iowa, you might want to pack your bags.

Is This the Ultimate Rig for Shooting Handheld Video on a DSLR?

Small cameras are great for run-and-gun shooting and as bit rates and resolutions improve, you may want to start figuring out how to get your handling to match up to the image quality. Caleb Pike of DSLR Video Shooter has put together a modular system that seems to tick all of the boxes without breaking the bank.

40,000 Frames per Second for Just $3,500? Check Out the Chronos 1.4

Not too long ago, shooting at a thousand frames per second meant a huge rig and a massive bill. Now you can buy a camera that shoots 1,057 fps at around 720p, going up to an insane 38,565 fps albeit at a resolution of 335 x 96. All of this now arrives in a package that costs a mere $3,500.

How to Get Cinematic Footage From Your Entry Level Camera

Entry level DSLRs and smaller format cameras don’t do a great job when trying to achieve footage with a cinematic feel, but with these tips, you can add an extra touch to your filmmaking. All of the advice is either incredibly practical in terms of how you shoot, or requires a very low level of investment. If you’re new to shooting video, be sure to check out this list.

This Insane Full-Frame 50mm Lens Has an Aperture of f/0.35

We dream of huge apertures that can give us incredible subject separation and whip up the world’s creamiest bokeh. Imagine my excitement when I was invited to spend an hour playing with the world’s first f/0.35 50mm autofocus prime lens, a lens so secret that I can’t even tell you the mount, never mind who makes it. Check out the amazing images that this lens can produce.

How to Start Using Aperture Priority and How It Will Change Your Photography

If you’ve been learning photography and have started to take your first steps outside of your camera’s program mode, aperture priority can help you get to grips with your camera and develop your knowledge. This camera mode can make shooting easier and open up more creative possibilities.

How Happiness and Flow Can Change Your Photography

Requiring a high level of skill and deep immersion, photography has the potential to allow us access to a brain state that creates a tremendous sense of satisfaction and happiness: flow state. In this short video, Jamie Windsor explains this psychological phenomenon and how it can improve our image-making.

Another f/0.95 Prime Lens, This Time From Zenit

Like London buses, you wait years for a standard f/.0.95 prime lens, and then, two come along at once. Russian lens manufacturer Zenit has just unveiled the Zenitar 0.95/50, a super fast, manual focus 50mm prime lens for Sony full-frame cameras with an aperture wide enough to swallow planets.