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Kyle Ford
Seattle, WA

Articles written by Kyle Ford

What is RSS and Why Should I Use It?

You may be “following” your favorite artists work on Facebook, or have a long list of bookmarks you like to check, however there is a better way. Over the past few months, talking with several friends, it has become apparent that there are quite a few people that don’t know about RSS and the benefits it has.

snowflake forming timelapse

Winter has come and at full speed for parts of the US already. This is an amazing time-lapse of how that fluffy white snow is formed. It’s serenely mesmerizing, not unlike the feeling watching it quietly falling from the night sky.

Don't Throw That Old Phone in a Box, Repurpose It

If you are much like me, you are getting a new phone roughly every other phone generation. This was leading to an abundance of old hardware collecting dust in a box, so I finally decided that I would put them to use. These tips may not bring back that new phone excitement, but they could perpetuate their usefulness and save them from the island of misfit gadgets.

Intrepid 4x5 Could Be Your Cheap Jump to Large Format

If you’ve been wanting to make the jump into large format photography on a budget, the Kickstarter for The Intrepid 4x5 may be your ticket. The Intrepid Camera Co., based in the UK developed a wood platform 4x5 camera. They aim to change the face of the large format photography scene by making it transportable and much more economical.

5 Tips to Be Productive While Working from Home

If you are a photographer, there is a strong possibility that you do a fair amount of work from home. With such an abundance of media and devices fighting for your attention, it can be a struggle to stay productive. Use the following tips to help you stay efficient so you can get out of your house and have a life!

Profoto Shows Off New Medium and Small Sized Deep Umbrellas

Profoto extends their existing 12 model12-model umbrella lineup with six new 6 variations. The new models are available as a deep parabolic in translucent, white, and silver. The S model is 33” while the M model is a bit bulkier at 44”, which is still significantly smaller than the 51” L model. The umbrellas will also be available with a variety of diffusion socks as accessories, which effectively turning them into something like an octabox.

Dutch Visitor Fined $3000 for Crashing Drone at Yellowstone

A Dutch man who was visiting Yellowstone National Park was fined $3,000 (£1,847) for crashing his done into the Grand Prismatic hot spring when he pled guilty to the charge of illegally flying a drone last week. He is not the first person who was levied a fine for drone flight this year either. A German man was also fined $1600 for losing his drone in Yellowstone Lake.

CineStill bwXX Now Available in Limited Quantities

They guys over at CineStill have released CineStill bwXX (double-x) in a limited run of 2000 rolls. They are available as of last week so you’d better get over there before it’s gone. The film is a high speed, classic black & white film emulsion, with an EI of 250 under daylight and 200 under tungsten lighting. It can also be pushed up to 1600 with some developers.

Another Photographer's Dust Blower Raises Eyebrows at Airport Security

This is not the first time we've covered a story like this, the last one was "because it could fly like a missle" but another photographer experienced some troubles in airport security due to his camera dust blower. Photographer Noel Patterson had such a problem on his trip to Reykjavik via Icelandair. When his bag was scanned at Manchester Airport, his dust blower was deemed to be an issue.

Fstoppers Reviews Moment Mobile Lenses

Pictured above are the two lenses currently available from Moment that I stumbled across while browsing Kickstarter and immediately knew I had to have. The 60mm Tele and 18mm Wide are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, while maintaining the sturdiness and incredible optics of products ten times their size. The following are my first impressions after they landed on my porch.

Another Rapper, Another Stolen Instagram Image

It's nothing new, but stories of stolen photos will always deserve credence. This time Sean “Diddy” Combs is the offender, posting an image from another photographer without permission or credit, in similar fashion to Ludacris posting photographer Paul Pichugin’s beach shot back in July. However this time, Combs has nearly 2 million more followers and the photo community is again in an uproar, and rightfully so.

A Look at a Local Secret Gone Viral - Vance Creek Bridge

Here’s a fun fact: Vance Creek Viaduct AKA #ThatNWBridge, is no longer accessible to the public, and it’s our fault. That’s right, one of the most iconic landmarks in the PNW is closed. The instagram sensation will have to live on in our memories and #throwbackthursday posts. Thankfully, the rumors of someone falling off being the principal of the closure are unfounded.

Kodak Discontinues BW400CN Film

With Kodak's release of another discontinuation notice, one more high profile film bites the proverbial dust. BW400CN has a reputation for being a creamy toned, tight grained film. The smooth grain is a nice balance to the Tri-X stock, admittedly I prefer the latter but still sad to see it go. A collective sigh was seen throughout film shooter groups, some even soliciting Kodak reps for stockpiles of the film.