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jon snow
zilina, SK

Bookmarked Articles

FICTION: In the Blink of An Eye Part I

Fstoppers is about all things photography related, so in a slight departure from our normal articles we are serializing a photography focused short story. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Learn About Photography From a National Geographic Master

Sam Abell is one of the most famous American photographers of the 20th century, particularly known for his frequent work for National Geographic. This awesome full-length documentary will teach you vast amounts about what it means to take a photograph.

Six Different Ways to Color Tone Photos Using Lightroom

Lightroom can sometimes seem deceptively simple in comparison to its more nuanced cousin, Photoshop, but there are a lot of powerful capabilities lurking beneath the surface of the application. This great video will show you six different ways to color tone an image using Lightroom.

Check Out These Secrets Photographers Use to Make Food Look Awesome

Any burger advertisement makes it seem like, for just a couple of bucks, you’ll get a juicy stack of meat piled high with vegetables on a crisp bun. Reality never meets expectations, of course, and so, if you’re wondering why your limp burger with wilted vegetables never looks like that advertisement, this video will show you why.

How To Build A Business Plan As A Photographer - Part Two

In Part One of this series, we began writing our business plan by focusing on the nuts and bolts of our business. In this section, we will start to expand on those roots and add to the "what" by knowing our "why".

How to Build a Business Plan as a Photographer: Part One

Today begins a three part series on building a successful business plan as a photographer. The topic deserves its own full book, but hopefully these essays will give those of you just starting out a primer on things you need to consider when turning your hobby into a profession.

Ten Essential Travel Apps for Nomadic Photographers

Besides your camera, your phone is probably the most important tool for a successful photography trip. So if your laptop was stolen, could you get by with your smartphone? Would it be handicapped without a cellular connection?

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