Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have a couple of BTS of shooting climbing videos. Nothing like shooting video while hanging on a slab of ice. These videographers push the 1D to the max in these elements, and the ISO. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.
Shattered BTS:
Take a look at Tyler Stablesford's behind the scenes info for a film he is making. A great look at what Tyler did to capture shots for an ice climbing film.
Shattered: Behind The Scenes from Tyler Stableford on Vimeo.
Climbing With Maya:
An interview and first hand look at a UK climber, Maya Holding. Adrian shows us his latest video that has some great angles of his subject. For more on the series check out his site .
Climbing with Maya - Episode 6 from Adrian Samarra Productions on Vimeo.
Model Shoot:
Dan takes us inside this great location to show us how he executed his shoot. He uses several differnt lighting setups and even a smoke machine.
Behind the Scenes with Meldany Photography from AP Video on Vimeo.
The location in the last video looks a lot like some King's Speech's scenes... just sayin.