Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have a great video on balancing colors in lightroom. Also check out how to use ND filters to get that low fstop on the brightest days. A great tool for any street photographer. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.
Balancing Color in LR:
Last weekend I was hanging around a buddies place and saw his colorchecker passport, I was in intrigued. A pretty cool looking item. I looked at couple videos up and found a good tutorial on correctly balancing colors with Lightroom. Check out the video and see if there is any techniques you can take and apply your workflow.
Print Is Not Dead:
The guys over at RETV have created a series called "Print Is Not Dead" and this is the first episode. Pretty interesting stuff.
Fashion Shoot:
Emily knocks out a great shoot at the beach. With one light she transforms the dull skies. See the final images to really see what she brings out. Check out her site at
Red Head Shoot:
Brodie takes out a hot red head for a shoot at the beach. He has a two light studio setup with battery packs. Pretty sweet what you can do out of the studio with these battery packs.
ND Filter:
Have you wanted to be able to use that low fstop on a sunny day and wondered how? Well then you should go pick yourself up some ND filters. Lighten Up and shoot shows us how it is done on location. Their site has a bunch of great videos to check out at
haha Broide. well that was a nice suprise today. thats one of my older videos. good to see it pop up again.
I spy more than just that :(
On cold meds, let me fix that for yeah.
once again, cool rundown!!
thanks for sharing :)
Great rundown.
Cool behind the scenes.