We share over 1.8 billion photos per day, and thanks to the ever-growing technology in cameras paired with the expansive world of social media platforms it's become increasingly easy to add the title "photographer" to the resume. Apple has searched high and low for the world's absolute best photographers and their work that spans the planet. The "Shot on iPhone 6" World Gallery features photos from creatives spanning 70 cities in 24 countries, and brings the mobile photography community front and center proving again that the best camera is the one that's with you.
Apple has launched a beautiful ad campaign featuring photos captured on the new iPhone 6 looking to highlight the best of the best. Owners of the iPhone had submitted their top shots and Apple selected their favorites to be featured on the website's front page. The incredible photos were captured from the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, China, New Zealand, and many more countries. Having made a living shooting solely with my iPhone, it's inspiring and a continued push for me to learn all that I can about simply taking great photos with the tools I am given, rather than relying on gear dictating what I create.
Some, if not all, of the photos have been enhanced using apps such as Instagram, Snapseed, VSCO Cam, Mextures, Filterstorm Neue, Camera+, and Adobe Photoshop Express. Using apps such as these, it's incredible to think how quickly you can shoot, edit, and share photos on a single device with such detail and beauty.
Below are 17 of the most astounding shots in the collection.

Shot by Alastair B.
in The Cairngorms, Scotland

Shot by Austin M.
in Steamboat Springs, CO

Shot by Cielo D.
in Alameda, CA

Shot by Cole R.
in Star Valley Ranch, WY

Shot by Cory S.
in Lake Cushman, WA

Shot by Garrett C.
in Joshua Tree, CA

Shot by Gayle T.
in Takachiho Gorge, Japan

Shot by Hattan A.
in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Shot by Cielo D.
in Alameda, CA

Shot by Jirasak P.
in Mae Hong Sorn, Thailand

Shot by Jun I.
in Tokyo, Japan

Shot by Kim G.
in El Calafate, Argentina

Shot by Noah W.
in Marina Del Rey, CA

Shot by Paul O.
in Chicago, IL

Shot by Satoshi H.
in Tokyo, Japan

Shot by Sawyer K.
in British Columbia, Canada

Shot by Gabby K.
in Snoqualmie Pass, WA
To see all 77 of the featured photographers shots be sure to check out the full gallery here.
[via Apple]
Some really great shots there! I would personally prefer using a Micro 4/3rds over a smart phone (I use a 6D currently) but smart phones do have a lot of potential.
Currently they are like P&S but if phone cameras could do RAW and manual and TV/AV, they could be that much better. Being that Samsung allows for expandable memory, they could have the advantage over Apple which is so much more restrictive in that sense.
Price, convenience and excellent marketing are what really give phone cameras the advantage.
I agree the future is bright for mobile cameras and I still prefer to grab out my slightly larger but still small kit set of a 60D and a 40mm pancake lens for the all around shoots. Since Apple opened up their API last year for photographers to dev apps with manual control you have apps like Manual, Manual Cam and Cortex Cam that can push the limits and shoot with much more control than many really thinks is possible. I use Cortex along with Manual Cam and both blow me away with how they can create a smooth clean image with the right amount of customization. Then again I think I am attracted to shooting with my phone more for the fact its simplicity, point and shoot. It gives me more time to think about the shot and less about all the settings and other technical parts.
Also check out 645 Pro. It has full manual shooting, can save uncompressed TIFFs and has film stock emulation built in. It's pretty great.
With IOS8 you can control your exposure, get the app "Manual" Ive shot the Northern Lights on my iphone, anyone who counts it out as a powerful camera is nothing short of uninformed.
I am absolutely glad to discover this post. At some point people will understand that this is not the camera that makes the photographer!
Would love to see prints of those to see until where Apple technology can be stretched.
Thanks Pierre, it's a great reminder for sure. As for prints currently the iPhone 5s and higher can push out a photo at full resolution (300dpi) to about 10x14 page. With some 3rd party apps like Cortex Cam you can stretch that a bit further and get prints as large ast 20x20. I believe I have stretched a few prints to 40x40 without any issue using a shot with Cortex Cam. Then again I have done one print at 48x48 from an iPhone 4s and the client was more than happy. That said print though was hung higher up from a distance in a restaurant.
In Montreal, there are giant print ads of these pictures (nearly billboard size). They're about 10' x 10'. They're huge!!. I went up close to inspect the damage and to my surprise it was VERY good. Whoever did the resize is pretty good.
Meh, another iPhone article. Don't find the camera much better than the one on my OnePlus One (Sony Exmor IMX214), and given the price tag...no excuse. I'd rather use a small compact camera, even knowing my Android phone shoots RAW (.DNG), has manual exposure and all. Still, nothing beats Nokia Lumia cameras, and this iPhone Photography thing is just hype to justify the overpriced hardware. I have an iPad and iPod, had an iPhone and couldn't stand it.
Given the rant hahah the pictures look great, nothing short of it, but nothing other phone wouldn't do.
I agree with you, the iPhone photography community push has been long in the tooth but for the majority of younger and new readers and shooters its a reminder it's not the gear that makes the shooter but the shot. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, that's what i meany in between the lines of my rant...Location, Light and Skill, that's what makes the picture.
You have a point about it being "another iphone" article but have you stopped to think why it gets so much attention? There is no fragmentation in the iphone models. Your oneplus one is different then the Galazy S5, the HTC, the LG and so on. This makes it hard to write an article for android phones and why you dont see them often. The iphone 6 sold 2/3rds more hardware that the samsung galaxy s5 and thus the reach of the article is much more. ALso, you do know that iphones have manual controls as well, right? and Raw as well? What all camera phones lack is control over aperture.
Quick question about the Lumia cameras. Have you ever used one? I considered making the jump and went out and bought one. I used it for a week and returned it. The camera may be high in pixel count but the dynamic range, speed from button press to shot taken to ready for new picture is about 10 seconds and colors of the images it puts out are horrendous.
You Apple people get so offended, this is not about Apples vs Droids. This is about, Mobile Phone Photography.
It's not about the S5, the G3 or the One M8, it's about phone photography. Because by those standards, only Nikon or Canon are capable cameras while all others are just small fish and thus not capable of delivering the same results. They are different, yes, some sensors may deliver better collor rendition, others less noise, but by the end of the day it was the photographer, the jackass behind the camera who took the picture, he's the one to blame, not the phone.
I owned an iPhone 5C, the panoramas are great aswell as the camera, now i own the OnePlus One, an iPad, an iPod, a Windows PC with 8 processing cores and loads of RAM.
I'm now willing to buy a Mac, i shoot with Nikon, Canon, Leica...you name it.
I don't take sides, i'm not gonna pay 1500€ for a camera and then become a living advert of it. Same with computers and phones.
All i wanted to see here, was a more "phone photography" and the less biased "iPhone photography".
Nokia Lumia, yes i've used one, it's ultra fast ant the quallity is amazing. DxO Mark?! The same people who says a Nikon D300s has more DR than the new 7D II ?!
And to finish, here's what the OnePlus can do. (instagram filters)
You make a good point, it would be nice to see more simply mobile photography posts with a wider range of shots from various types of cameras. Its neat to see who is stretching the capabilities of these smaller and less complex cameras. In the end the iPhone is simply the mass of smartphones today and its the most popular amongst most. That is why we see it so much and why we will most likely continue to see mobile photography with its name attached. I personally have shot with a few Galaxy phones and the Lumia models. They all have their pros and cons but I keep coming back to the iPhone for personal reasons and its overall aesthetic and UI. Like the comment below I just noticed was there nailed it. Ha!
Here is an article on theverge.com explaining why they rate the iPhone camera so highly.
It wasn't image quality but ease of use that made it great. Its easier for regular people to shoot great looking photos. Your comment regarding the Lumia camera illustrates this. It has better specs but is a pain to shoot with.
Apple loves them some puddles...
Great post! Red umbrella puddle is pretty rad.
Those always seem to catch me off guard. I'm always on the lookout or a good puddle shot. With spring here Indy is literally a giant puddle.
Totally agree with the 17. Still pumped they used one of my images. Just found it on a billboard in Korea.
David, this is outstanding and such an exciting campaign for photographers like you. Thanks for sharing and huge fan of your work!
Thanks man! As a wedding photographer I never really thought I would make it to a billboard. Our family was raised on Apple, so this was a real honor being apart of such a unique ad campaign.
They have it displayed in the subway tunnel under 42nd st in NY and they look stunning. There's a disclaimer on some pictures that say 'optimized for large print' or something. I wonder if it's some kind of noise reduction optimization. Landscapes and subjects other than people (or people from a distance) are excellent while close up portraits tend to show the limits of phone photography. Nevertheless, all of it makes me excited for the future of phone photography.
Interesting post to read. But I'm surprised that in the comments section there are only people who like it. Now I don't say I don't like the idea of shooting with my iPhone but only when I have to and only to share with my family.
DSLRs are getting better and better in terms of quality. Why would anyone want to pick an iPhone image for a print if there are tons of photographers both amateurs and pros who shoot well if nothing else with at least better detail???..
What I like about iPhone cam is that there is an option for time lapse and slo mo. I wish dslrs had that too. Doesn't seem like it's that difficult or takes much space if iPhones have it.