Behind the Scenes of the 2015 Milk Calendar with Arum Light (NSFW)

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Last year we featured London-based photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz with Aurum Light for his 1940’s pin up inspired milk portraits, which were then picked up for Coca-Cola's Farelife campaign. His fresh take on motion and liquids was put together in a well received and sold out magazine. This year, Jaroslav brought it bigger and better with his team by creating this years titled calendar “Splash Heroes.

In an interview with Fstoppers, Jaroslav explained why he determined that all the work was worth putting out another calendar this year.  Since last year they started later in the year they decided to start in March with the first of the three private photo shoots. Even though they launched this for the 2015 calendar, they had this general idea and storyboard in mind since California, 2012. As for the entire process, he decided that they would take longer, but try not to rush the creative process. So he was able to take a break and come back to the illustration and post production with fresh eyes. The whole setup took 5 days of shooting, with a ton of different colors of milk. Infinately more work than his 2014 concept considering all the milk color used was not all post production. The milk was pre-colored to give as much of a tint as possible, then enhanced in post. 


Each of the shots were taken with one of three different different cameras, Nikon D800, Phase One IQ280 and Phase One IQ240. All types of modifiers were used including gels, softboxes, and octoboxes. The range in color and size can be seen in the diagrams. The full behind the scenes video shows the depth of milk toss and how precise it needed to be. 
Shape Setup: 
Color Setup:
Last year they created and sold only 100 calendars. This year they’re printing a few to sell, but each will still be numbered and signed. The reason for the selling of the calendars isn’t necessarily the idea of selling his work, it’s based on the fact that each round of calendars he sells actually funds the next years idea and set of portraits. For web sized views of each Splash Hero, you can view them in the full blog
If you’re interested in how everything was set up, there’s plenty of behind the scenes footage, but if you’re looking for a hands on approach, Jarsolav and his team are bringing their workshops to the US in 2015. They’ll be holding a two day, 100% hands on workshop in the ten most popular cities based on where you want him to go! It’s an intense project, sure to break you out of your comfort zone. 
Images used with permission from Photographer, Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz. If you're interested in purchasing one of the calendars, make sure to head over to the website!
Sarah Williams's picture

Sarah Williams is a award winning photographer in San Diego, CA. She specializes in photography for rad people and brands such as Airstream U.S.A. She has a deep love for flamingos and tattoos. If you want to know more, she's pretty honest on instagram, so check her out.

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this is amazing stuff

I totally agree with your comment Jerry. But unfortunately these days, its not your intention that matters. Its how its perceived.

Your workplace may not be as forgiving as the next person. And without the caveat NSFW, someone will be "offended".

Take the example of Jaroslav's earlier work in Milky Pin-ups that had been out a year earlier. Then it gets used by Coca-Cola to market their milk product. Suddenly people get offended stating its sexist.

What I find humorous is that the people that find this sexist believe the models in the images aren't smart enough to make up their own mind not to take part in the shoot and should be protected. Its kind of funny that they preach women's strength and independence only if it falls in line with their own view of what strength and independence is.

Now that I've finished my rant, I absolutely love his new work. I don't find it offensive or sexist. How strong do these women look? Surely a a good advertisement for feminism and independent women.

Woah. You obviously got a little disturbed by my previous comment and judging by your response you've thought about it quite a bit. But you totally missed the mark on my response. I'm not bothered by your rant and I won't give you much more thought or any time to try to understand what the hell you're carrying on about. So have a Merry Christmas and stay off the mushrooms.

Unfortunately it has a lot to do with Google. If a post that shows nipple outlines through the milk and is not marked NSFW, Google will hit us for it and then we get in trouble. And Like Christian said, not all workplaces are lenient.

Such a pleasure to work on this with Jarek

this video is stupid and useless... it's worse than this "tutorial"

This is so wonderful!