Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you'll probably have noticed that many social media platforms have been heading downhill. Here's how to best prepare for the social media storms ahead.
Placing all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea for photographers online., especially if that basket is owned by a billionaire company that values profits over anything else. While social media can be a great place to meet people, sell work, and get inspired, it can also be a hotbed of negativity and a fruitless time suck. The biggest downside to social media is that a particular platform you've worked hard to grow an audience on could easily go out of fashion or out of business with very little notice. I've lost count of the number of big-name photographers on Instagram that are literally nonexistent on any other forms of social media. This approach to growing an audience is not only a risk if your corner of the Internet suddenly stops being popular, but you're potentially missing out on reaching large groups of people who don't frequent the places that you do.
What Can Photographers Do To Avoid Losing Their Audiences Online?
Embrace Automation Tools

Using automation tool IFTTT to post to several social media platforms at once
If these social platforms are places you want to try to build an audience, then you need to hedge your bets and be on all of them. It mitigates the risk if the worst were to happen and one of these spaces suddenly stopped being popular. While I appreciate this sounds like a lot more work, there are tools out there like IFTTT, which will allow you to connect up various social media accounts and post automatically on your behalf. So, for example, you can manually post a photo on Instagram, and your Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and LinkedIn can all be updated with the same content without you having to lift a finger.
Promote Your Social Media Everywhere
If you don't already plug your various social media accounts across platforms, you really should start doing so. I'm sure there are lots of people who follow you in one place that had no idea you had a presence somewhere else online. Use tools such as Linktree to create a page of all your social accounts and make sure your personal website clearly publicizes where you can be found. Also, consider including these social handles in any printed marketing you may be making. The worst time to plug your alternative social media accounts is as the ship is sinking and people have already stopped logging in. So, be sure to get in there early and gently remind people from time to time that you are online in other places.
Consider Not Bothering With Social Media

An example of a newsletter sign-up form on my website.
There are plenty of successful photographers who don't bother with social media at all. That's not to say they don't have a presence online, but they opt to connect with their audiences away from platforms with annoying advertisements and ever-changing algorithms. One powerful tool I think is still massively underrated is that of a newsletter. I've already talked at length about the benefits of having a newsletter and still feel it's the most future-proof way to stay connected with your audience in 2022. It's hard to know if the likes of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook will still be around in the coming years, but it's highly likely that we all will still have email accounts and be signed up for various newsletters. Out of all the points raised in this article, having a newsletter is without a doubt the best way to avoid losing an audience.
Building a Website
Carrying on from the idea of shying away from social media and starting a newsletter is the notion of building a website. Having a website of your own is a more guaranteed way to keep connected to an audience long-term. The great thing about a personal website is that you are completely in control of it. No paying to boost posts, no shadowbans, and no billionaire owners telling you what you can and can't do. As long as you continue to pay the bills for your site, it will always be there. The same can't be said for any of the big social media platforms out there. Some of my favorite corners of the internet are creative people's websites. It's so refreshing to see good content on someone's website without having to wade through the noise of advertisements or posts you have no interest in.
Additional Measures Worth Considering

Where to navigate in order to archive a Twitter account.
While some social media platforms are closer to extinction than others, I do think it's good practice for photographers to back up their social media accounts from time to time. A backup should not only give you all the text you have written over the years, but also any images or videos that you have shared. This content may prove to be useful for new social media platforms you may join or for using on your own blog. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook all make the act of backing up easy enough to do. With just a few clicks of the mouse, the social platform will email over an archive of what you have posted over the years. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on how much content you have and the amount of demand for such a service there is. I recently requested backups of two of my Twitter accounts, and the download links took much longer than normal to get. The main thing to take from all this is that it's best to be ahead of the game with making archives, as you never know what will happen to these places in the future.
While it can be hard to know what will happen with these spaces in the future, all good things do usually come to an end in some shape or form. For this reason, photographers must hedge their bets and prepare for a worst-case scenario if keeping those audiences is important to them. By funneling existing followers to safer waters, you stand a much better chance of staying connected with them in the long run. The internet can be a great place for photographers to meet clients, make sales, and build audiences. Just be sure to not place all your digital eggs in one basket, as that hard work cultivating an audience will be for nothing.
Over to You
What do you think is the future of social media for photographers? Do you have any other thoughts on how best to keep hold of an audience? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below.
Lead image originally by Javad Esmaeili, used under Creative Commons.
Good article, and timely. I started my web site in 2001 (I'm old) and it was gathering viewers consistently until 2018 when Google decided to totally change its search algorithms and then require an SSL certificate to show the site was secure. Subsequently, Facebook and other social media platforms took over and my viewership collapsed at least 70%. Many people depend on their smartphones exclusively and don't even know how to use a desktop or laptop computer anymore, which is better suited to display landscape photography. Now TikTok is becoming dominant with its vertical format and I'm even more out of sync with what's going on in the real world. I'm still not on social media but with improved SEO, my site is again growing viewership.
Carpet-bombing the SM landscape is counterproductive because over-posting is one of the things that destroyed it.
Before the free advertisement of social world what did photographers do to sell their things? Also if you are putting photos out there as advertisements are the safe from getting downloaded some how? Lastly if you post on a site and the site goes out of business what about your posts, who owns them then? It is like this, once in the digital world it is there forever even beyond your time! I am not a seller pro and simply enjoy the experience of finding a item to photograph, been at it since the 70's with film then 2000's with digital. The real sad thing is prints are no more and things are digital and need something to view. How many homes today have prints on the wall or family photos around. Used to be a painting in most homes living rooms even an apartment. People today move like changing socks with their memories on a device. Mine are on prints, all 4000 + one of a kind if ever found, my gift to the finder is the story written on the back. When it comes to digital you keep images on drives and with the new software today and down the line you make a new one. For some 2010 and up was HDR times to get more dynamic range with ugly cartoon like images. But today you get clean sharp images that you could walk into. If you ever did astro MW and bracketed new SW will merge and get rid of the hot and dead pixels. My hats off to the programers every day. And I pray the new photographers find the cash cow. The image is using my T2i bracketing up and down but years after with newer SW it finally came out good. Just remember it is just a minute in time captured and the story has to be written like not in a old box of prints.
recently I leave FB etc. alone and focus just on SEO and GBP. It's time intense too of course but chasing every trend on TikTok etc. takes away from really working on my craft. Lately I am attending gatherings and share my work via print products. Speaking about eggs, all my eggs are on google. Not sure whether that's something to overthink.
If its free then you are the product. why i stay away from all of them.
Anything you put on a social media site is somebody else's content. I post things from time-to-time, but that IS how it works. I put the most care into my personal website which show what I want it to show.
Social Media.
A) Goodbye Facebook.
B) Tired is Instagram Ads and random content
C) Twitter. Too much hate. Too much Musk.
C) VERO… a well thought social app. Photography friendly. Really hope it gains more traction in the future. Almost forgot; No crop, reduced compression 🙏🏼
Twitler goes bye de byes, No more Musky X's for me. I'm over on BlueSky now. It's quieter, and very artsy, I rather enjoy it. @darkwaterphotos.bsky.social , I haven't yet checked out PinkSky or Flashes both purport to give us a place for photographers to replace Instagram.