The 3.1 Billion Pixel Image Of Women's Volleyball At The Olympics

The 3.1 Billion Pixel Image Of Women's Volleyball At The Olympics

Last week we showed you David Bergman's Gigapan image of North Greenwich Arena (home of the Olympic gymnastics meets). That image was roughly 1.7 billion pixels! Two days ago, David released his newest Gigapan image of Horse Guards Parade that contains 200 stitched images totaling an incredible 3.1 billion pixels. It's amazing to zoom in and see so much detail both in the audience as well as on the field. What interesting things can you find in this image?

Patrick Hall's picture

Patrick Hall is a founder of and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

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Watch the hands :-)

Somebody had a little too much fun in the sun.

It's funny in some of the areas, but overall, it's truly incredible.