Two weeks ago we announced our latest Flickr contest sponsored by our friends at ClickPixx. The winner would receive a 30 x 40 inch wrap print to mount on their wall, and we thought a fitting contest theme would be "Epic." We narrowed down the entries to these top 9, and you voted on your favorites. Thanks for voting Fstoppers! And the winner is...
Ronaldo Stewart! Congratulations, you won a 30 x 40 inch wrap! Send me an email at to claim your prize.
how about a behind the scenes setup from the winner?
I've included the original photo on flickr. It was shot with an automotive rig attached to the car and a friend pushing while it was in neutral.
So you created the blur in PP?
Using an automotive rig provides fine crisp blur to images. With the rig attached and a slow shutter speed. These are your natural results.