Buy The Panasonic GH5 For 25% Off Right Now

Buy The Panasonic GH5 For 25% Off Right Now

The Pansonic GH5 is our video camera of choice. We currently own five of them and I've considered buying a sixth. Today only, you can buy one for 25% off

If you're in the market for an incredibly powerful still/video camera in an ultra small package, look no further than the GH5. We love them because the micro four thirds system is super small and easy to travel with, the stabilization internally makes shooting handheld a breeze, and the retail price at $2000 is extremely reasonable. After being out for less than a year, the GH5 is currently being sold for 25% off on eBay. Keep in mind that this is not an authorized seller and you will not be getting a Panasonic warranty but you will get a 1 year sellers warranty through eBay. Warranties are great, but it's certainly not worth $500 in this case. Enjoy the deal before it expires

Lee Morris's picture

Lee Morris is a professional photographer based in Charleston SC, and is the co-owner of

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