Jeff Rhode has the highly unusual role as a full-time hospital photographer. In this interview, he shares his heart-rending photographs of COVID-19 patients and the staff supporting them and talks about the experience of photographing history as it happens.
When I first came across Jeff's photographs, my mind spun. How on earth did he get access or permission to photograph patients at such a vulnerable time? I reached out, and we discussed the project.
Warning: it's not for the faint-hearted.

Ben Mazza (right) helps a health care worker on the front lines secure her PPE prior to entering a patient room during the first few days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey. 03/19/2020. Photo by Jeff Rhode/Holy Name Medical Center
Becoming a Hospital Photographer
Jeff became a full-time hospital photographer nine years ago. He told me: 'When the hospital started to prepare for the COVID-19 outbreak, I saw it as an opportunity to document what was happening as it unfolded'.
I couldn't help wondering how this kind of opportunity might have come about. Jeff talked me through his journey through photography: from majoring in fine art photography in college, he then worked in a commercial photo lab for two years and moved on to work at The Star-Ledger, which was the largest daily newspaper in New Jersey. At The Star-Ledger, Jeff was a photo specialist. It was largely a technical role, but he also shot freelance work throughout his career. He worked at The Star-Ledger for 15 years, through many historical events: a Papal visit, a Pulitzer Prize-winning story for breaking news, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks and its connection to New Jersey.
It was this experience that gave Jeff the courage and experience to cover the COVID-19 pandemic at Holy Name Medical Center.
Emotional Experience of Photographing a Pandemic
Courage to start the project is one thing, but how about coping with the emotional experience of photographing people at the end of their life? Jeff told me: "It's a challenge to photograph anything emotional without being emotional at the time. It doesn't always work that way. But having the support of everyone I work with is amazing."

A ventilated patient in his final hours. In ICU at Holy Name, he has a last phone call with his caregiver, with his hands held by Matt Kostelnik, Patient Care, and Julie Felasca, RN. On the last day of his life, he was in the company of caregivers and never alone. 4/21/202. Photo by Jeff Rhode.

Marilyn Monzon, RN at Holy Name Medical Center whispers to a ventilated patient in the ICU at Holy Name Medical Center. The patient was in his last hours of life, and was with the company of care givers and never alone on his last day. 4/21/2020. Photo by Jeff Rhode.
The nurses held his hand and talked to him. They called his caregiver to let her know that things did not look good for his health, and they told her she could talk to him on speakerphone. The caregiver told him that she was there for him, and that she loved him. Over the next hour or two, we traded spots holding his hand, rubbing his shoulder, and talking to him, even though he was unconscious. I carefully took photos of selected moments — this was a very emotional time for everyone, and I didn't want to take that away. When the patient stabilized, we went our separate ways for a while. I heard from one of the nurses that he passed away that night.
Approaching the Project
The social importance of photographing the pandemic must be incredibly intense. Jeff told me that he was asked about two weeks into the pandemic what it feels like to document history. Hearing that question made him feel a responsibility to tell the most complete and honest story that he could. He said: "I feel lucky and blessed to have been able to do that and share the experiences of everyone at Holy Name."

Transport of a patient in Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey, during the first few days of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 03/19/2020. Photo by Jeff Rhode/Holy Name Medical Center
Health and Safety Precautions
Having been more or less housebound during two months of lockdown, I simply can't imagine going into a hospital environment knowing there'll be significant exposure to COVID-19. Jeff explained that the hospital planned well, and all personnel at the hospital were provided with appropriate personal protective equipment throughout the pandemic (if only this had been true of many hospitals here in the UK). He wears the same PPE that the clinical team wears: hair covering, goggles, gown, two pairs of gloves, mask, and shoe covers. And after photographing any situation that might involve a chance of exposure to the virus, Jeff sanitizes his cameras carefully with sanitizing wipes.

A team of ICU care givers work together to prone an intubated COVID-19 patient in the ICU at Holy Name Medical Center. 4/6/2020. Photos by Jeff Rhode/Holy Name Medical Center
Technical Equipment
As a portrait photographer, I'm used to reaching for a variety of lenses to mix and match for different effects and different scenarios. Given a hospital ward is so physically confined, I wondered which camera equipment it was possible to use. Jeff told me: "I chose to be close to my subjects, to provide a more intimate feel to the images. I wanted to be part of the experience and not witness it from a distance. My daily gear of choice has been a Canon 5D Mark IV with a 24-105mm f/4 and a Canon 5D Mark III with a 16-35mm f/2.8."

Head of Labor and Delivery at Holy Name Medical Center Sheryl Syby looks into a delivery room as a COVID-19 positive mom is prepared for delivering her baby. 3/31/2020. Photos by Jeff Rhode/Holy Name Medical Center
Privacy Laws
I couldn't help but wonder about the legal aspects of such a project. How do you deal with privacy laws, and how does this apply if patients are unconscious? Jeff told me that there are strict privacy laws in place designed to protect patients that prevent their identity from being disclosed without permission. If he is not able to get permission from the patient or his/her caregiver, he doesn't photograph them. Occasionally, a patient might agree to be photographed, but ask to not show his or her face, which, of course, Jeff respects.

The newly constructed ICU area built to cope with the growing number of COVID-19 patients. 4/2/2020
Photos by Jeff Rhode/Holy Name Medical Center
It's a relief to hear from Jeff that he already sees quite an improvement in the hospital. I wondered what will happen to the project once the pandemic improves. It turns out that Jeff is already exploring new stories as Holy Name shifts into recovery mode: first, the tremendous effort going into sanitizing the hospital, second, following patients who are recovering at home after being discharged. Their home care is a continuation of the support they received at Holy Name, with nurses and therapists using telemedicine, as well as home visits.

The newly constructed ICU area built to cope with the growing number of COVID-19 patients. 4/2/2020.
Photos by Jeff Rhode/Holy Name Medical Center

Brenda, a respiratory therapist, taking a much needed break staring at the NY skyline on a phone call. 03/25/2020 Photo by Jeff Rhode/Holy Name Medical Center.
Brenda told me 'it's not a sunny day, but it is a great day' with a smile. The first patient since the COVID-19 pandemic started two weeks ago had been extubated [when the doctor takes out a tube that helps you breathe] — a milestone. She smiled and told me that M&M's were her weakness as the empty bag sat next to her.
Hats off to you, Jeff. You're a brave man, taking wonderful photographs during an incredibly difficult situation.
Could you ever photograph a scenario like this? To be honest, I don't think I could.
Images used with permission of Jeff Rhode.
Nice feature: I'm comfortably certain there's a good photo book in this.
Nit to pick: the 'ventilated' patient in the photos was not being ventilated through an endotracheal tube and ventilator, which is what medical people generally envision when they hear 'ventilated'.
It's called "oxygen support", but in ICU terminology, if oxygen is delivered to patient by ventilator in any way, it is called ventilation, altough it's non-invasive mode :-)
Glad there is a project to document this. Death in the West is so hidden.
Wear a mask. Save a life.
I would have no problem at all doing a photography project like this.
For my job, I handle dead people, including those who have died of COVID-19. I have to face the families who just lost their loved one. Strangely, it isn't very emotional to me. There's a job to be done, so I do it.
I have many times wished that I could do photography in these very sensitive situations, because it would yield some unique images (as someone already commented, death in the west is not documented enough). However, I am not allowed to do photography because my employer forbids it, and it would break confidentiality laws and get family members of the deceased very hurt and angry if I exploited their lost loved ones for my own financial gain. So I can't use my camera at work, even though I would be able to get some really useful, valuable images.
I would have no problem with the emotional part of it (sadness or whatever) .... I already deal with that regularly and it is no issue for me. I would have no problem with exposing myself to the virus, as I already do that at my job and I am not concerned about my own health. And as far as the gore and the smell goes, I already deal with that to a far greater extent than what is entailed with COVID deaths. So whatever is hard about photographing COVID victims, I already do all of that, and I do not find it overly difficult to deal with.
Straight up - No I could not.
I do consider myself a journalistic photographer by definition, absolutely! I would normally hop at the chance to grab my camera and go to it...
But this, this whole COVID thing, with the world shutting down, capturing sickness, empty streets, crying health care workers... Those of you who want to capture that type of thing, well, have at it. I don't need to stand in your way..
Now, if stuff got really dark and twisted, civil unrest breaks out - I'm up to journalizing that.
call me morbidly photogenic...
I came across this article recently. This nurse is known for her excellent photography.
Amazing work from this photographer. I am also a full time photographer/videographer for a hospital system here in the midwestern U.S. I can say that it comes with it's challenges, but it feels like some of the most impactful work that I've done in my career. I have the honor of showcasing the work that my colleagues on the front line of COVID are doing to keep our community safe everyday. I'm proud of the work that I do.
Thank you for taking the risks to bring the public images from inside Ryan! I would love to see more of what is happening there-do you have a link or have they been published? Best regards. Jeff
is it common to find hospitals with their own photographer?
It is not common, but there are a few that I know of. Most ihospitals n the area I live hire freelancers as needed, but I am fortunate enough to be employed full time.