Excuses in Photography: How to Overcome Them

Excuses in Photography: How to Overcome Them

Have you ever made up a reason for not doing something you should do? Maybe made up an excuse? Anyone can make excuses. It doesn't matter what it's about, whether it's an excuse for not going to the gym, not going out to shoot, skipping class, putting work off, etc. 

We all make excuses at some point in our life. I notice I do it in everyday life; there's no denying it. Once we can admit to ourselves we do this, we can take the steps to stop it. I know I'm young and don't have a lot of experience as a "real world person" yet, but everyone is busy and goes through their own struggles.

As a 21 year-old finishing up my last year of college, I am loaded with work. I'm taking classes I'm not interested in, classes I don’t want to take, and it's all a bunch of extra work that I don’t have to be doing (unless I want to graduate, of course). I can still get my work done, however; that shouldn't interfere with my photography and videography. Why should it? I can make up all the excuses in the world as to why I can't go out and shoot: I'm too busy, I have homework, this class has me so stressed out. For the older people out there: I’ve been working all day, my feet hurt from driving, I just sat down. For everyone else: my favorite show is on, I haven’t showered yet, it's too cold outside, I don’t get service out there. Whatever it is, I get it. Just listen to what you’re saying. “I can go do this, but I’m not going to because _____.” We all do it; we just don’t all realize we do it.

If you can't handle your workload now, what makes you think you'll be able to handle it when you're out in the real world as a photographer dealing with clients and actual people and companies? If you make excuses now, you'll be more likely to make them in the future. What I know so far and have experienced from starting my own business and working with clients is that excuses don’t work so well in the business world. I realized this at a young age, and as long as I am aware of it, I can start to avoid doing it.

Excuses are negative, and negativity doesn't get you far. Get rid of these two things as much as possible, and believe in yourself, think positive, and push forward, because if you are motivated to do something, you can do it. Don't let anything get in your way; nothing is stopping you from doing what you want to do. Nothing is stopping you from being who you are; the only thing that holds you back are the excuses you make for yourself to not take that next step and move forward with your goals.

Next time you want to make an excuse, think about it. How are you supposed to shoot that sunrise if you’re too tired to wake up for it? I know that the sun wouldn’t wait for me even if I begged it to, and I’ve woken up so many times tired and almost regretting it, but once I’m out there shooting, all that misery goes away, because maybe that was the right choice to make. Maybe it isn’t so bad to push yourself to do something like that every so often. There’s no way to find out until you try.

Positivity is key, and excuses are the obstacles you create for yourself that will always hold you back.

I am a huge nerd when it comes to drones and have been flying for over 4 years. I enjoy doing aerial photography as my personal work but shoot tons of video for work as well. I am a part of Simply Visual Productions and Simply Sounds, working my way into an industry I couldn't be happier to be a part of.

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So true.
In many books I read, authors suggest to write things down. Goals, plans, schedule, ideas, everything changes once we use our hand to write it on paper. Those thoughts must go through different part of brain from abstract and disorganized to linear and tangible.
Excuses are those big monsters in our heads feed by fear. Try to write them down and they are becoming silly little words.
On other hand, plans and goals are abstract fairytale until you will put them on paper and into your schedule.

"I would have been there, but I didn't want to come."