When you're working with models (or anyone really), there are certain things you should keep in mind, both to make the shoot go smoothly and successfully and to ensure that proper boundaries are established and everyone involved feels comfortable and respected. Here are five dos and don't of photographing models.
Coming to you from Manny Ortiz, this helpful video will give you a good foundation for shooting with models (most of the tips readily apply to normal clients as well). For me, one of the most helpful points was essentially creating a good, fun vibe while you're working. I'm almost always talking or conversing with the subject and trying to project good energy during a shoot. If conversation is tough, I always have a few canned topics or lines ready to liven the atmosphere a bit, and I find they make a big difference in getting the expressions I'm looking for, and they always make the experience more enjoyable for my subject. If you really want to perfect your interactions with models on set, be sure to check out "Peter Hurley: Perfecting the Headshot," where the master himself will walk you through the process.
[via DIY Photography]
Enjoyed listening to those two.....
Right!? They're great together.
The "always praise the model" thing. I guess it depends. I've met more models who prefer to know if they're doing it right. And you don't wanna spoil your model thinking he/she's doing alright even though they're not.
In my line of work, when the result is not up to standards (or just plain sh), you're just told so (and left happy you're not fired). Guess models are fragile drama queens...
Nice video! I especially liked the point on not being so serious. When doing portraits, I get the subject laughing even before I pick up my camera. Fixing lights, moving background elements...everything is an opportunity to joke around. When doing my lighting tests, I purposely get them to goof off and make "faces". Even though it's not the goal, they often like these shots more than the real thing.
" I know I'm cute!". Lol, not going to disagree.
I am just an enthusiastic amateur and will never work with professional or semi professional models but it is interesting to see this back and forth between photographer and model and husband and wife.