How to Take Handheld Panoramic Photos

Panoramic photos can be stunning to look at, but they can also take a fair bit of technical expertise and preparation to get right. If you are out and about, it may be cumbersome and annoying to set up a tripod and go through the process. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to instead shoot panoramic photos handheld. 

Coming to you from James Popsys, this excellent video tutorial will show you his process for shooting handheld panoramic images. There is something to be said for the ability of a panorama to invite the viewer closer, as they explore an image that simply can't be taken in all at once. This is partially why they can be a great statement piece in your living room or the like. Just be careful to overshoot as you create them, both at the edges and in the interior. As you join the images, having more overlap will make it easier for your software to align them and create the best result, while shooting a little wider around the edges will make it easier to clean them up and crop to the exact composition you want. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Popsys.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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Photographer have taken handheld panorama pictures for many , years ..... I guess if you are on YouTube you need to post something .....

...or there are new photographers who might be interested in learning how it's done.