The Real Impact of Traveling for Photography

Many people think that their photography would improve if they could just go somewhere new and exciting. The allure of different places, unique scenery, and vibrant cultures seems like the perfect solution to breaking out of a creative rut. But is it really?

Coming to you from Alex Kilbee with The Photographic Eye, this insightful video explores the reality of how location impacts your photography. Kilbee flew to San Francisco, excited to see if the new environment would transform his work. He discovered that while a new place can inspire you, it's not the magic solution many think it is. Upon arrival, Kilbee noticed that his initial photos looked similar to those he could take back home. Despite the beautiful sunset and iconic sights like the Golden Gate Bridge, his images didn't scream "San Francisco."

Kilbee shares how, despite the change in scenery, his style remained consistent. This realization led him to conclude that simply going to a new place doesn't inherently change how you see or capture the world. The key, instead, is how you interact with your environment and push your creative boundaries. This involves experimenting with new techniques and perspectives, regardless of where you are.

The second part of the trip took Kilbee to Baltimore, a city he was more familiar with. Here, his photography began to evolve. Freed from the usual routines and responsibilities of daily life, he felt more open to trying new things. Kilbee describes an enlightening moment when, frustrated with his smudged lens, he decided to embrace the imperfections. Pointing his camera directly at the sun, he captured a striking starburst effect that perfectly conveyed the intense heat of Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

Kilbee's experience highlights that while traveling can provide fresh stimuli, the real growth comes from within. By meeting other photographers, sharing ideas, and challenging his usual methods, he found new ways to express his vision. This personal freedom to explore and experiment was more impactful than the location itself. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Kilbee.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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