Using Photography to Discover Your True Self

Photography is often seen as a way to capture moments or document the world around us. But it can also be a powerful tool for self-exploration. Your images aren't just about what you see—they’re about who you are and how you see yourself in the world.

Coming to you from Shoot On Film—by Ari Jaaksi, this thought-provoking video discusses how photography can be an exploration of your identity. Jaaksi reflects on a comment from a viewer who suggested that photography is more than just taking pictures—it’s a way of understanding who we are. This idea struck a chord with Jaaksi, leading him to ponder the roles and labels that have defined him throughout his life, from being known as someone's son to becoming a software executive. These labels, while accurate, don’t fully capture the complexity of who he is. They are external definitions, imposed by others or by societal expectations, that can sometimes limit our self-perception.

The video discusses the danger of letting these external labels define you. Jaaksi explains that when you accept these roles, you might start to act according to them, limiting your potential and creativity. Photography, in contrast, offers a way to flip this process—by expressing your internal thoughts and emotions, you can start to define yourself from the inside out. This shift from external validation to internal exploration is where true creativity can flourish. Jaaksi suggests that instead of focusing on technically perfect images, you should look for those that resonate with something deeper within you, those that reflect who you truly are.

Jaaksi’s approach to finding these images is personal and introspective. He goes through his photo library, searching for pictures that, while not technically perfect, hold a special meaning for him. These are the images that go beyond the surface, tapping into a part of him that isn’t defined by external labels or roles. It’s a process of peeling back the layers of societal expectations to uncover the core of your identity, using photography as the medium for this exploration.

This video encourages you to think about your own photography in a new light. Instead of striving for external approval or technical perfection, consider how your images can reflect your personal journey. What stories do your photos tell about who you are? How can you use your camera to explore and express your inner self? Jaaksi’s message is clear: photography is more than just capturing the world; it’s a way of discovering and expressing who you are at your core. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Jaaksi.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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1 Comment

Such a true and mind opening revelation. It's timely as I've just finished writing an extra article on this very topic to go with my free ebook where the first chapter of several articles deals with this very topic, finding yourself. He deals with this beautifully and I recommend viewers do what he proposes and not just cater to the popular trends and beg for likes but to be yourself and let those who really dig you to give deserved praise. Please don't to think I'm trollong here as the ebook is absolutely no cost, no catches. If you're interested:
And I'll be following Ari if this is an indication of his thoughts and delivery.