Critique the Community

Night Photography

Win one of two free Fstoppers' tutorials with your best image taken in the night.
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 19 Jun 18 03:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
3.29 - "Solid" 

Maroon bells under the stars

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I love almost everything about this photo.
The sky, the perfect reflections, it has foreground, colors are great. Nitpicking, I would say the foreground is not the most beautiful and interesting, I could imagine.

Has the sky been composited in? Just asking, because there are reflections of stars but the area around the hills looks more blue-hour-ish.

I shot the mountains and foreground in blue hour, and the milkyway later at night .So, it is a composite that way, but from the same location though

I think I would have liked it even more without the milky way in it. The combination makes it an impossible image to shoot at once and I almost miss the mountain because of the milky way which is a shame because it is perfect. It also makes the trees to yellow and the milky way itself could have been darker which would added to the photo. Do you have the blue hour version on your profile?