This is myself at 24 weeks, circa 1991. I had all complications from heart attacks, both lung failures, kidney failure. liver failure, bowel obstruction, and the list goes on. I am now 27. I was one of the smallest babies ever born in 1991 at only 630 grams. I was hanging by a thread, now I can see how the grace of medical technology is evolving. My arm was so small it could fit through my moms wedding ring.This is an irreplaceable parents love. This photo made it to the National Geographic Your Shot Contest and got placed.
Irreplaceable Images
Submit your irreplaceable images to win a Synology DS918+ NAS Drive
Submission Deadline: Tue, 13 Nov 18 04:45:00 +0000
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!
Ben kiff thanks
Jonathon Rusnak Thank you sir!
Will Prentice Thanks!
I mean if it was not for the doctors back then and my mom, I would not be posting this picture and replying.
I went through a lot, and its indescribably crazy how medical technology advances so quick.
thank you!
Jonathon Rusnak Thank you !
Thanks Voters <3
It is said the when an image evokes feeling it has done its job!
I agree with you!
Kirk Nix Glad to share this story.
Here is loaded lots of emotions. 5
Thank you sir.