Lower Manhattan skyline from Brooklyn Bridge Park. Adjustments made, to fit within guidelines, include: tone curve adjustments, increasing clarity, slight saturation adjustments.
Critique the Community
Unedited Photos
Submit your best unedited photos for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
Submission Deadline: Jan 8, 2019, 4:45 AM
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!
Tone curve adjustments are not what they meant by "unedited" I'd say... Clarity is also a push, as it's not just contrast, it's medium tone contrast.
The contest explicitly mentions tone curves are ok...
My bad I only watched the last critique video where I seem to remember they didn't mention tone curves... It's hard to see where the line is for "unedited". I thought according to their logic tone curves were out of the question, apparently not. I guess it's tone curves applied to only a specific area then ?
Yeah my understanding is any sort of selective changes are off limits (gradient tool in LR, masking)...the camera will apply a tone curve in camera when it converts a raw to jpeg, so of your shooting raw you need to add contrast to the image to
just get it to match the in camera processing (assuming your raw converter doesn’t apply these camera defaults, acr won’t apply defaults based on Nikons jpeg settings, i’ve been tolld capture one does)
Theres a really great image in this group that was shot on fuji velvia film. Velvia is know to have over saturated colors when compared to other films. Is choose velvia over kodak film “editing” and if so how is this different then adjusting the saturation/viberance on a raw file?
I've seen the Velvia images and they're too much for my taste. I know Ben Horne who shoots film and uses Velvia, it pops yes, but it doesn't have this crazy oversaturation that the images shown in the contest have. That aside, it's just color, it's not selective so it's still ok I guess.
Solid. Nice choice on time of day. However I think you can get better leading lines out of those columns in a different spot and I don't know about that peninsula/shoreline on the right.