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Unedited Photos

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  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 08 Jan 19 04:45:00 +0000

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2.06 - "Needs Work" 

Amazing colors mix at this door in Venice, inside one of the most stunning wood workshops I have seen.

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Hi Alfonso,

The subject is amazing, but I fear that in trying to adhere to rules that you have done yourself a disservice.

I think the subject would have been more effectively placed in the middle of the frame.

Also, you have composed with respect to the intersection of the wall and the water; however, in so doing, you cut through the reflection of the door.

Additionally, the water is reasonably complementary in colour to the wall.

I probably would have done this square crop.

Alfonso, I agree with William. I love the image, but I wish more blue was in the shot.

Thank you Jeremy

Thanks so much William, I greatly appreciate your feedback