Single image 30 second exposure with a remote flash. Self portrait shot at Chatham Light Massachusetts.
Critique the Community
Valentine's Day Love
Submit your best image with a love or romantic theme for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
Submission Deadline: Feb 21, 2019, 4:45 AM
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!
That is coooooool! I only wish the male subject was dressed a little more formal. But that’s just me being picky. I would love this picture forever if it was of my wife and I.
This is one of those images that makes me feel better about my photos ratings. The thought that anyone is going to give this a 1 is ridiculous. But clearly some has to drive this score this low.
Not a fan of looking into that bright light. The balance of brightness between foreground and background is distracting to me, the foreground is too bright in my eyes. Good start!
I agree with the bright light being a bit distracting. I wanted to back light us and really show get the dress to pop with light coming through while getting a nice rimlight around us. If I had some kind of diffuser at time I think it would have helped. I also tried several times to line up the flash where we were blocking the source but it would block the infared trigger from the camera. Limited resources for a spur of the moment shot literally balancing the flash on my camera bag. Definetley woukd like to try it again and do it properly but for now it was a nice memory shot for my girlfried and me. Thank for the feedback, always appreciated.