Critique the Community

Seamless Background

Submit your best image taken on a seamless background for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 11 Apr 19 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.6 - "Needs Work" 

Suspended Bullet In Smoke.
Shot with a gel light underneath. No strobe. Some ambient in the room.. The gel didn't give me enough.

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Instead of suspending the bullet with string, which you can see making your background looking like it has seems in it, try standing it up on a table against a seamless background and then rotate the image making it look like it's suspended, that way there is no string affecting your image quality or what you trying to achieve. Just trying to be helpful!

Ty Bobby! Didn't think of that.. But, to be honest, I edit on my phone, and I thought I had disappeared them.ehh
.I layered 2pictures to make the "bullet" pop... I need a bigger screen.. 😯😀😂

Or removing the string in post

Yes, I did think of healing the areas

I'm going to post a better edit on my's actually a different image maybe 2 shutters before this one.. I wish I would have chosen instead.. I was too hasty trying to make it into this contest..lesson learned .and thank you all for your help and feedback.. I'll put them sidexside .. please check it out and let me know what you think.🤪

I understand trying to make it at the last minute... But overall I love the colors and the image plus the idea!