Critique the Community

Senior Portraits

Submit Your Best Senior Portraits For Critique
  • Submission Deadline: Mon, 02 Mar 20 06:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

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Community Avg
2.84 - "Solid" 
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Chuckle. I like it! A very "non-traditional" senior portrait but at least it looks like a senior portrait whereas many if not most in this contest do not. I feel the contrast between the light and dark areas of the arch is too pronounced and so draws too much attention away from the subject instead of bringing the viewer's focus to the subject as it is intended. I would prefer spacing between the feet and the edge of the frame the same as that from his back to the edge of the frame. Well done and fun.

Thank you for taking the time to comment/critique (agreed with), Anonymous! This is the photo the student picked for the yearbook.

Looks like he won quidditch championship. Photo is really nice.

Thank you, Lukasz!