Critique the Community

Portraits of Senior Citizens

Submit Your Best Portraits of Senior Citizens For Critique
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 14 Mar 20 02:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.13 - "Solid" 

George is a 62 year old Welder in MA. He's also an avid Crossfitter and just the nicest guy. This was taken in my studio with just a single 48" Softbox. I was really trying to get his blue eyes in the shot but they're super sensitive and he couldn't do it. So i got this one shot when he was waiting for me to set up. In hindsight i would have likes to see his clothes, but live and learn. This was my most liked picture of George in my Facebook, which is why i'm submitting it.

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Great image. Your lighting choice was on point. I love how by not using a second light that the falloff goes back into the black background while his beard is what separates him from the background. Well done!

Love it 4 stars from me