Critique the Community

Photos of Joy

Upload Your Best Photo of "Joy"
  • Submission Deadline: Mon, 30 Mar 20 02:15:00 +0000

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    View Results

Community Avg
2 - "Needs Work" 

The hotel bar in Beijing, China 2016.

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How is this getting a score of less than a TWO Star? It is not a snapshot. It took some thought to create this.

By definition on the show this is at least a TWO.

Giving it a 5 just because of the haters low balling. Would have given it a three, maybe a two had the haters not been out.

I wish I could provide some insight on how to improve it, I just don't have any with the flash and longer shutter experience.

I would have to agree with Andy, this does not deserve one star but it's running at 2.29 right now. I gave it three stars just for the creativity but think it's probably more like a 2.5. I want to see their happy faces and would have preferred to see the balloons in the foreground with a bit of motion to them. Because the balloons are static and sharp they become the subject instead of the people.