Critique the Community


Submit Your Best Photos of Subjects Wearing Costumes
  • Submission Deadline: Mon, 02 Nov 20 18:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.28 - "Needs Work" 
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Now that you have already cropped your original image there is nothing left for Patrick to crop during the live critique ;-) Great color contrast, and attention to detail. And this is just a fraction of your actual picture.

Ha. Thanks. This was the accompanying portrait of the larger establishing shot. But it’s the only one that I actually shot on shoot day.

And I doubt it will get rated higher than a 2 (cause the wardrobe isn’t a fantasy). So I’m mainly posting it for SEO :)

Nothing costume about this picture.

Michael Rocktaeschel this why it won’t hardly break a 2. People want like, a witches cape, or super hero shit.

Subtly is lost on this crowd.

There is no subtly. He looks like an Average Joe.
People don't see clothes that are "normal" or daily as costumes. You chose a specific wardrobe for the model, but that doesn't mean the viewer sees it as costume. If he had on items that pass the normal set of clothing, then people would see it as costume, regardless of them being capes, cosplay shit or Halloween standards.

If I had a table to flip, I would flip it.


No need to get snappy.

Was looking at your photos, you do amazing work.
I love the guy out in the desert. Really love that brown sandy color tone. Wish I knew how to do that.

I’m really just playing around. I don’t take any of this serious. And the sarcasm doesn’t translate...

I actually agree with you. But, honestly, he’s wearing period wardrobe from the 60’s. And is playing the part of a black gangster/muscle.

So technically, he’s wearing a costume. But no, it’s not overt. It’s just costume for normal clothing from the 60’s.

That's interesting. I saw the photo as modern and never thought 60s. Might be because it looks like it takes place today in small towns. Timeless is always good and your work looks timeless.

Are you critiquing the wardrobe? Or the photo? Cause I assure you, this wardrobe was selected specifically for the character he’s portraying.

Photo is amazing. Lighting and color are great. The objects and props are professional. Model looks great.
Critique: the image is just not related to the concept of costumes; ain't wearing one. The psychological concept of we all wear costumes when we put on clothes everyday is a bit thin. If his clothes were made out of paper or something unusual, then costume would be clear.