Critique the Community

RGB Color

Submit Your Best "RGB Lit" Images
  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 13 Nov 20 06:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.44 - "Needs Work" 

Jett and Russell.

A portrait I took of two of my friends. Russell had just bought some really cheap LED lights from IKEA to decorate his apartment with, and I had my camera with me that day while we were hanging out and wanted to test the capabilities of a lens I had just bought with a fairly wide aperture. Usually I don't shoot wide open like I did for this shot, but given the very low output of the LED lights, I really had no choice. I also use an original Canon 5D, so the ISO capabilities aren't as impressive as modern cameras. If you disagree with the "lifestyle" depicted in the photo, please just move on instead of saying something bigoted. Thanks for looking.

Canon 5D || Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens set to f/1.4 || 1/160th sec || ISO 1000

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