My bread and butter. This is a studio interior of a 44 foot motorhome. 13 strobe heads, practicals only for accent. Composited from a number of different exposures.
Added On Edit:
As I watched the first votes after posting, the first was a 4, which suprised me, and the the second gave me an average of 2.5, meaning it was a 1. The second voter thought I had simply placed my camera in the middle of the scene and pushed the shutter button. It turns out this 1 vote was more interesting and helpful than the 4. Given the many lighting heads used to make this image the 1 vote thought the lighting looked natural and correct and not the result of those 13 strobe heads and compositing. That is in fact the effect I was trying to create, so to this viewer at least the work was a success. It took me awhile for this to soak in :).
I love it....and wish I could afford it. Do you take motorhome images often?
Love you reasoning :)