Critique the Community


With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.61 - "Solid" 

Shot in studio exclusively with artificial light. Used a Paul C. Buff Alienbee 400 (I think) as key light with 24" beauty dish. Second light was another Alienbee 400 (again, I think) with a 24" stripbox for a small amount of fill. I believe I may have had a third light for the background, as well. I bounced between 2-5 lights for the looks we did that day.

Camera was a Canon R6 with RF 100mm Macro lens. For post processing, used variety of healing brushes and clone stamp to remove major imperfections. After that, micro dodge and burn to even complexion, smooth light to dark gradation, and remove minor imperfections. Hue/Saturation layer to whiten teeth slightly. Made exposure corrections after that and added a slight bit of clarity, then a gradient layer at low opacity to get skin tone closer to model's natural tone.

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