Critique the Community


With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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    View Results

Community Avg
3.2 - "Solid" 

Studio shot with a model at his home (in his kitchen) aiming to capture a menacing gangster style shot.
Taken with a single flash gun, off camera to the right and slightly above the model's head (model's left),with a simple Lastolite diffuser attached. The light positioned close to the model to achieve a drop off of light across his face.
Shot with a Sony A7Riii and a Sony 85mm 1.4 prime lens. f9.0, 1/200, iso 200.
Post processing includes some minor global adjustments in LR. Cropped and converted to black and white in in PS and then some selective dodging and burning, some cloning to remove background distractions and tweaking levels to finish off.

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I like this image! Here's the critique part: the lighting on the hands pulls my eyes away from his face and expression. And then if the hands had less highlights the brim of the hat may also need a slight drop also.

Thank you for taking time to give your feedback, much appreciated.

I must apologize for my previous critique, your image is perfect the way it is, Unfortunately I was viewing it on a monitor I used to game on, and I had the brightness tweaked where I hadn't viewed your image correctly. You definitely achieved the goal you had set out for, IMHO!

In my honest subjective opinion thats the one of the most captivating images in this contest. Looks like perfect album cover for blues musican.

Thankyou, much appreciated

Absolutely stunning, love how deep the contrast is here.