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With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.85 - "Needs Work" 

It's been shot with my Sony A7 III using Sony G Master 70-200/ F2,8 Lens. I am not sure what is focal length used here actually. This was a fun photoshoot with the model whose name is Jenni Bruce. We had a chance to shoot literally for one hour before we both went to pick up our children from school. We had the idea to go to the nearest kinda forest with lakes and stuff around mostly used during the summer for relaxation by many people in the nearest city. We had. nice landscapes but I still wanted to work out on the background and framing. So she gave me the idea to use this older bridge as framing and to play with it. I've done literally around 500 shots and we finally end up with only 15 ish. I have done here main exposure change and global adjustments, then I had a mask on the subject, which I used as a base layer to allow me to make further changes. These changes were actually to duplicate and invert this mask a few times applying some changes in the ground at the bottom, on the sky and top part of the image. Also, I added slight light around the subject when I intersected the mask with a radial filter. After that, I did some skin smoothening and a little bit of dodge and burning. Thats it but we end up with one of the most quality images we have ever produced. :)

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