Critique the Community


With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
2.29 - "Needs Work" 

A promotional image for a film. Photographed in my studio in Los Angeles, CA.

For lighting I used a three flash head mount, a Canon 600 EX-RT speedlite and two Canon 430 EXIII-RT speedlites. I left the flashes naked aside from some CTO film and shot them through a set of mini blinds. I used a Canon f/1.8 50 mm lens at f/3.5 SS 1/1250 and ISO200. In post I brought up some shadows around the face and, some dodging and burning, skin retouching, slight color correcting and sharpening.

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I love portraits that tell a story.

this one is called "how to get bopped in the head from recoil and cradling"