Critique the Community


With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.27 - "Needs Work" 

This is Hauk, an acrobat from the UK. We had a portrait session just for fun. He showed up with his hair pulled back and in a pony tail and had no intention of doing a Jesus pose but after seeing him I had to just ask him to let his hair down and put his hand together for just one shot show. This was it. Both Hauk and I are atheists and had recently been reading one of Christopher Hitchin's books so in post to fun and intentionally a little controversial I added the digital crown of thorns and the writing on the t-shirt, which says in full "Science doesn't care what you believe".

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1 Comment

I think that I would get where you were coming from if we could actually read the writing on the shirt, but as it also covers his hair I think it detracts more than adds. I think the thorns would be a little better if they were solid white without the hair burning through. But honestly I just things that removing those two things entirely would really be even better. If you really wanted to poke controversy, just show a little more of his tattoos.

You might have done this for fun but the lighting (not including the fake glow from the thorns) I just can't get over. Immaculate.