Critique the Community


With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

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2.04 - "Needs Work" 

I took this Picute during my vacation in New York City with my Sigma 105mm on my Sony a7IV.

To me this image represents a lot of what I noticed in NYC. A lot of poverty so close to very rich environments. To see this Child of a Woman selling fruit in front of the Met Building, even eating out of a Met bag to me was a very strong contrast within a single frame, even with the shallow depth of field just focussing on the Bag and the Child.

Post processing was just removing a little part of this fruit stand and using generative expand to give the green and red bag a little breathing room (they were pretty close to the edge of the frame)

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I have a hard time with pictures like this. Like I see what you were going for but also I feel stronger about not using people in crisis. Same with photographing homeless people. Like they become a means to an end rather than being people.

I'm not saying that's what you're doing here, just voicing why it's hard to judge things like this...

Thanks Yeah i totally get it. Wasnt Sure if i should upload it. But Kind of like tomaz sais, its Not a Real crisis, this kid Was just very young and playing on the ground havin its meal in the bag. But Yeah the contrast between rich an poor definately is there. But this kid was in no real danger of Starving/ being homeless or anything, at least i didnt feel like that. It just Was with its mom while she was working

I don't know total story here but I also don't see child in crisis here. What I see is very nice portrait of more or less satisfied kid. Mother is working low paying job and for child is taken care. maybe he is luckier than in some daycare. Images like this are quite common from world south countries but comming from NYC have even stronger message and one can think about our world.

I think that cropping this to a 4x5 or square aspect ratio, and cropping out the empty gray area at the bottom of the frame, would really improve this image. Just a thought.

I guess youre right