A regular girl, not a model or a proffesional or anything. This is also from the same session as my first photography in this competition. Where one of several girls showing up in a Tfp meeting through a Facebook photograpy group I was a member of some years ago This girl I think is very pretty, and she had done some amateur shots before.This is from the first portraits I did with dedicated lightning for studio. Well, at least one overhead umbrella and that was it. Luckily I got the kind of nonchalant expression I was looking for, when I saw this girl. And I was of course under no influense nor thinking of the worlds most famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. As I have learned more editing since the shot, the photo is re edited the later days. I am curious to know the brutal truth of this type of photo and edit I have chosen.
Critique the Community
With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
Submission Deadline: Nov 29, 2023, 5:00 PM
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!
Keep in mind while looking for feedback on your images, that there are no absolute truths in photography... only subjective opinions.
I might like to see a rim light from behind the girl providing some separation of her hair from the background; other people might feel like that type of light detracts from the singular focus and attention given to the face. I like the smooth soft focus of her face; other people might prefer more texture and detail in her skin. Her eyes are dark and moody, but it fits with the image as a whole. Personally I feel like the shadows under the girl's nose and lower lip are a bit harsh, but other people like the contrasty light and hard edges rendered by a single light source. My point is that you've got good solid work, you're not going to please everyone, so find a style that pleases you and don't ask for approval.
That said... there's one thing I think you could fix in keeping with your style: the white sweater has a greenish color cast in the main area of the sweater, and a reddish cast in the sweater behind the hair on the left. The color cast in her sweater seems to detract from the monochromatic tones as a whole and color in her face. It's an easy fix in Photoshop.
Thank you Kunzelman for taking time to give important and detailed feedback. Your feedback is very valuable, and I will certainly change or remove the color cast in her sweater. I didn`t notice that before you mentioned it. That`s one of the reasons it is so important to get other eyes to look at your work. Better lightning and how to lighten is something I know more of today than this Tfp shoot I was part of several years ago. But I wanted to participate with those few portraits I got :) It`s strange, when I look at my image in lightroom, compared to on the fstopper site, it looks a little more colorful in lightroom. Not that monochromatic. Haven`t experienced that before.. Thank`s again Kunzelman.