Critique the Community

Architecture Photography

With Mike Kelley
Win $1,000 In Our Architecture Photography Contest
  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 25 Feb 24 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.67 - "Solid" 

I shot real estate photos for this old historical home. After I was done, I took my time on a couple of extra photos just for me and my portfolio. This was my first opportunity to do so after watching one of the WAMA tutorials.

Outside was a complete downpour so I put my AD200 on a pole (to get high enough and over the landscaping) and taped a small rain umbrella to the pole so the flash didn't get wet. I popped flash once through the window and once on the next-door house. So this photo consists of two ambient shots and two flash shots all blended together.

Thanks for your tutorials Mike and the Fstoppers crew! Excited to keep practicing!

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