Critique the Community

Architecture Photography

With Mike Kelley
Win $1,000 In Our Architecture Photography Contest
  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 25 Feb 24 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.85 - "Needs Work" 

Tepoztlan Bungalow designed by Cadaval & Sola-Moraleso is located on the outskirts of Tepoztlan village in Mexico. Perched atop an elevated position it offers incredible views of the valley below. The other images in this series captured this view but it was from this angle that you could see how this was achieved and how the architecture blended seamlessly with the surroundings. The shot was captured with a Canon 6d mark II. Timing was key, as at this point in the morning the foreground and tree to the right would be in shadow helping frame the building while the sun broke through a gap in the canopy above . This helped direct the eye from the left corner to the figure (me) perched on the cantilever concrete base of the bungalow enjoying the view as my assistant for the day (my girlfriend) pulled the trigger. Post processing involved a little reduction of highlights and boosting of shadows in Lightroom, some further tweaking in photoshop via curves for contrast and hue/sat adjustment layers to adjust greens / blues and it was ready.

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