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Architecture Photography

With Mike Kelley
Win $1,000 In Our Architecture Photography Contest
  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 25 Feb 24 17:00:00 +0000

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1.68 - "Needs Work" 

Closing image from the exhibition and book ,”Time Lapse”, France and Portugal, 2012.

Time Lapse in this context does not refer to the photographic technique.

"Time Lapse" is time gone, but at the same time, time forgotten.
A time that exists and no longer exists. A magical time, circular, an always returning time.
My images are not the result of vision, but of being. "Ser" and "estar", the permanent and transient to be.
I do not look through the camera; I do not see what the
camera sees.
I want to keep my eyes uncluttered; I want my body to react.
Not only to what I see but to the complexity of feeling.
My images are the result of gesture. I "scoop" a perceived
reality; I do not photograph it.
This series, Time Lapse, is in itself part of a continuum that
started early in the 1980's. I have always been fascinated by
The fears; peoples' fears and hopes, as they are expressed
through religion and particularly through ex-votos.
Ex-votos represent, at the same time, the end and the beginning of fear. Fear overcome is nothing other than the beginning of a new fear, in a circular, or better, in a spiral of time that turns and turns upon itself.
My fears are nothing other than other people's fears.
My time and their time blends, magically, as it is only possible through photography.
They can live now and I can live then.
Time is lapsed, time is round. Time becomes the ever illusional return that we can live forever.
Time Lapse; that is where I exist.

Carlos Gasparinho, 2012.

Nothing expresses that better than the medieval cathedral arquitecture.

Mosteiro do Jeronimos, Lisbon, Portugal.

Multiple exposures, Nikon D300, Photoshop.

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