Critique the Community

Architecture Photography

With Mike Kelley
Win $1,000 In Our Architecture Photography Contest
  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 25 Feb 24 17:00:00 +0000

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2.5 - "Solid" 

Electricity pole from below.

This shot was taken in January 2017 with my Olympus E-M10 Mark II and a 12mm Samyang lens. Due to the lens being manual, I don't have data about the aperture.
ISO 100, 1/30 Shutter Speed.

I was walking near a park and saw the opportunity to lie down below this pole. It was 0°C outside and people who walked by looked funny at me, while I was on the ground, pointing my camera up and trying to find the perfect symmetry.

Usually, people don't see electricity poles from below, so I thought it'd be an interesting view. And I find it interesting to see how symmetrical it is.

No other manipulation/composition has been done than just editing it in b/w.

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Love the perspective!

Thank you very much!