Critique the Community

Architecture Photography

With Mike Kelley
Win $1,000 In Our Architecture Photography Contest
  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 25 Feb 24 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.48 - "Needs Work" 

I waited for the right light - just before the sun was dipping below the mountain, which gave me dramatic, directional warm light. It gave me a place to the eye to go beyond the interiors, beyond the exterior patio, all the way to the views of this home. I placed the models for visual balance and snapped away in several positions for about 3 minutes. This was wider but this crop simplified the image to a hint at the interiors which served to frame the shot around the edges, creating a natural vignette. The amazing feature of this home is the inside-to outside transition looking towards the incredible landscape. Post processing was extremely minimal.

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