7 Christmas Gift Ideas for Filmmakers for Under $100

Christmas is on the doorstep and affordable, thoughtful gifts are always tricky to find. So, here are 7 for videographers.

Sidney Diongzon is a YouTuber and filmmaker known for creating consistent content on videography. In this video he gives you a run down of 7 ideas you can buy the video content creator in your life, each for under $100.

I have bought a lot of gear for under $100 in my time with a camera. Vast swathes of it lives in a storage container and I almost never look at it. The critical "almost" in that sentence is perhaps all that stands between these items and throwing them away. From time to time I'm stumped for something niche to help me on a shoot and I dive into this treasure trove of crap and emerge victorious with an almost untouched item. However, another key component is that rarely, I purchase something cheap which turns out to be great.

As my relationship with my camera goes on in years, I've become more astute with making that call before I pull the trigger and waste money. One fairly recent addition to my cheap arsenal — although marginally north of the $100 mark — is the Falcon Eyes F7 RGB LED Light. This little guy has been so good that I will be purchasing a second in the near future.

What gifts for filmmakers for under $100 would you suggest. Share in the comments below.

Rob Baggs's picture

Robert K Baggs is a professional portrait and commercial photographer, educator, and consultant from England. Robert has a First-Class degree in Philosophy and a Master's by Research. In 2015 Robert's work on plagiarism in photography was published as part of several universities' photography degree syllabuses.

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I have one of these Falcon Eyes RGB LED lights, and I LOVE it! I use it a lot, for fill, for background color, for studio product shots, Video portrait work, and I keep finding more uses for it, Love the magnetic mount feature, I use it on a cheap light stand, so practical. I love how you can dial in the exact Kelvin for matching WB or with other continuous lights! Thanks to this article I will now ask for a second one as a stocking stuffier!