Buying an Entry-Level Camera as a Present for a Child? Please Consider Getting Something Better Instead

Buying an Entry-Level Camera as a Present for a Child? Please Consider Getting Something Better Instead

Entry-level cameras are the best option for beginners, right? Plus, that popular brand must be the right choice, mustn’t it? As the song goes, it ain’t necessarily so. Here’s why you should consider choosing something better.

Education Systems Can Destroy Creativity

Little children can all draw and paint at an equal level. Hang the paintings of most four- or five-year-olds side by side, and they are very similar. Then, something dreadful happens. A digression starts, where some children progress while others don’t. The same happens with music. At first, most little children can sing, blow a penny whistle, or beat a drum, but then, some improve while others stagnate.

Why is this? It is partly down to our education systems. Around the world, in many (though not all) schools, creativity is stifled. The system knocks it out of the children. By the time they are grown, most young adults have had the gift of creativity stolen from them. This is appalling, as creative thinking and the arts are central to the growth of every society.

There are various reasons, but no small part of that failure is down to the quality of the creative tools the children are given.  

There are good reasons why a professional photographer might choose a Canon 5D over a T7

There Are Good Reasons not to Buy Cheap

It's tempting to buy children the very cheapest art equipment. After all, they are only children and not Picasso. They don’t need the same grade of tools and materials that top artists use, do they? Of course, they do. Do you remember coloring in pictures at junior school with cheap crayons? Alternatively, you were possibly painting with insipidly thin watercolors, using brushes that shed their nylon bristles. Children’s results are restricted when they only have poor-quality tools to work with. Consequently, they are disappointed with what they produce. Unable to achieve the results they want, they are discouraged from pursuing art.

How can a child achieve their best creatively if they are held back by inferior pencils, crayons, paints, brushes, paper, musical instruments, or, indeed, cameras?

Yes, there is a big difference between entry-level and more advanced models. It’s the reason why top photographers don’t use cheap, low-quality cameras and lenses. They are just not good enough to do the job well.

If we want our children to thrive at photography, then we should furnish them with the best equipment we can afford.

The Reason Why Manufacturers Make Budget Cameras

Why then do manufacturers produce low-quality cameras? It surely cannot be to stifle beginners’ creativity, can it? Anyone who has ever worked for a large business will know the answer to that. It is their bottom line. So long as companies can persuade people into buying large quantities of cheap tat to maximize their profits, then they will continue that practice.

Like all low-end products, cheap cameras don't last. That poor build quality is typically reflected in the low shutter-life. While a seasoned photographer will know that, the inexperienced parent buying a camera for a child might not.

Taking my argument to its extremes, most online reviews of this $35 camera are poor. Would you be doing a child any favors by buying them something like this?

Moreover, the manufacturer knows that the beginner, if they stick with using this sub-par device, will very quickly outgrow it and buy another. Additionally, after buying their first interchangeable lens camera, the photographer is probably stuck with that brand forever. Swapping systems has barriers, not least the cost; changing means investing in lenses and other ancillary equipment that is brand specific. Why sell one camera if you can sell two? 

This approach of selling inferior kits to hook photographers is especially bad for young children. They do not have the financial ability to upgrade, nor the experience to realize that it is the camera that’s holding them back. Most young children don’t know to ask for better quality crayons or paints, so they are hardly going to know they need a better camera. I wonder how many potentially great photographers have walked away from our art because they were discouraged by sub-par equipment.

More advanced cameras like the Nikon Z 5 on the left have tilting rear screens, just one of the features missing from most entry-level DSLRs. Some even better cameras have fully articulated screens, a feature many photographers find invaluable.

The Misconception About Beginners and Entry Level Cameras

But, I hear you ask, isn’t it common knowledge that beginners should buy entry-level cameras because they are simple to use? After all, as the argument goes, why wear out the shutter of an expensive camera taking thousands of snaps?

That argument is insulting. It assumes that the quality of the photographs from the novice photographer is going to be worthless. I run photography training courses and workshops, and I meet beginners, including youngsters, whose work astounds me. Yet, they are often shackled to cheap cameras fitted with slow, low-quality lenses that hold them back, cameras that lack the features that enable them to expand their photographic repertoire.

Secondly, you are getting much better value from a more expensive camera that has a longer working life than a cheap one that will break after a shorter period.

Thinking about this, I wonder how many children have lost interest in their chosen hobby because of cheap microscopes, binoculars, telescopes, and even sports equipment.

Cheap cameras are cheap for a reason. They missed out on the expensive investment in design and development that top-end models have. Consequently, the joy of photography is diminished when given a poor-quality tool to work with. Yet, according to popular belief, beginners are supposed to be bound to these uninspiring, low-cost dollops of plastic that are bundled with poor-quality accessories. It's the photographic equivalent of buying unbranded wax crayons and cheap coloring books from a discount store.

What Children Can Learn From Using Better Quality Photographic Equipment

But let’s not just dismiss the low-end cameras without looking at the additional benefits of higher-quality cameras. Besides their better long-term value, there is the enjoyment and inspiration gained from holding and using a quality piece of well-designed, precision engineering. Photographers should be excited by their equipment. It should be a joy to look at, handle, and use.

Furthermore, owning good quality equipment teaches children a valuable life lesson about respect and care for possessions and property.

Well-made and higher-end cameras are a good choice for young beginners, and choosing a less obvious brand can be beneficial too.

Of course, most budget interchangeable cameras can shoot okay photos within their restricted parameters. Indeed, in the right hands, they can even take good photos. All a camera does is open and close a shutter. But despite what some will claim, and as every experienced photographer knows, there is a lot more to achieving a great shot than releasing the shutter. Much of that is down to the creativity of the photographer, but it's also the quality and functionality of the camera. There are certain images I can shoot with my camera that rely on its unique functions.

Therefore, look for cameras with special features that will help your child take the sort of photos they want to shoot.

When Buying a Camera, Don't Immediately Jump for the Obvious Choice

Shunning the obvious choices in photography, as with any art form, and instead opting for the alternatives of cameras, focal lengths, accessories, compositions, and subjects allows for a greater variety of creative possibilities. It would be a sorry situation if all photos were generated completely by Canons, entirely by Nikons, or solely by Sonys. So, when shopping for a camera, don’t just stop at the brands that saturate the display cabinets. Instead, also consider thinking out of the box. Look at the excellent cameras available in the OM System (formerly known as Olympus), Fujifilm, Panasonic Lumix, and Pentax as well. They all make exceptional cameras, and they may have functionalities missing from other brands.

A top-end camera with a pro lens opens up creative opportunities not available on cheaper cameras. Furthermore, some cameras, like this OM-D E-M1 Mark III, have unique features that make them especially suited to particular types of photography.

Choosing Better Quality Lenses and Accessories

It’s not the cameras that vary in quality. Don’t necessarily go for the bundled kit lens, but instead consider something better suited to the young photographer's preferred genre. If they are into wildlife, get them a telephoto lens. If landscapes are their thing, then get them a wide angle lens. Kit lenses are okay, but there is a reason why top photographers are not using them for their work: pro lenses give better results.

There’s another reason for avoiding cheap kits too, and this applies not only to cameras and lenses but also to tripods, filters, camera bags, and flashes as well. If you care about the environment and are annoyed with this throwaway world that's polluted with waste plastic, then selecting longer-lasting, better-quality equipment is the right thing to do for this planet of limited resources.

If we all avoided the makes that mass-produce low-quality, short-lived gear, and instead decided upon supporting those brands that concentrate on high-end products that last, we could change the industry for the better. Your children will thank you for that.

A top-end, weather-sealed camera and a high-quality tripod will perform better than a budget camera and will survive for much longer, especially if exposed to challenging conditions.

The Benefits of Buying Secondhand

Of course, not everyone can afford a new high-quality camera or lens. However, there is a thriving secondhand market to consider. One of my clients recently bought a secondhand professional camera. It's a model I still use. It was in mint condition and cost less than half the original retail price, and not much more than a new budget camera. Again, this is an environmentally friendly option.

Finally, don’t just give a camera and expect that the child will know how to use it. Do consider getting them some lessons with an inspirational and encouraging tutor too.

Ivor Rackham's picture

A professional photographer, website developer, and writer, Ivor lives in the North East of England. His main work is training others in photography. He has a special interest in supporting people with their mental well-being. In 2023 he accepted becoming a brand ambassador for the OM System.

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