Trending Posts in Black & White Photography

My first attempt at a more fine art style B&W

I am not a huge shooter of B&W images, as that is not usually what my clients want. However I had the opportunity...

The Eyes of Addalie

I’m still learning about portrait retouching. I cleaned up Addie’s eyes and the puffiness/purple area quite a bit. (We...

White Flower

I found some old film photos of flowers and thought it would be a good exercise to convert to B&W. Experimented a...

Lina in B/W

My very first posting here. We were trying to recreate the poster for Showgirls Canon 70D 18~135 @30mm F9 ISO 100 two...

Sky Dive

Red Bull sky dive team from the ground. Though the smoke on a black background would work.

No Smoking

Scanning in some old film photos to practice editing. I thought this one was funny.

The burnt-out car

A work-related (bit not work) pic. Was looking for this stolen and burnt-out vehicle but had been given two sets of...

Cashew - The cat

Two very simple images, taken with a basic gear. The only outstanding thing here is Cashew and his look. What do you...

Old schoolhouse

Shot with Pentax K5 /Pentax DA 1:2.4 35mm

Child playing in water spray

Would love to know thoughts and constructive criticisms. Just do this sort of a thing as a hobby so please don't expect...

Romancing the beach

Young lovers embrace whilst looking out to sea. What can be more romantic? In case you're wondering, this is their...

B-29 Tail Gun

Had fun with this picture. First time using the heal tool to remove reflections of people.

On The Lookout

As I prepped for a morning pier shot for sunrise fun, I snapped this guy and the bird above waiting for the day to...


An artistic concept shot with my dear friend Maricris.

B-29 Superfortress "Doc"

Doc is one of two B-29's that fly. It stopped by and I went to take a tour and walk around the plane. Although this...

Time to live

Fuji Xt1 Olympu 50m f2

Moon Gazing

In commemoration of Apollo 11, when fifty years ago we landed two men on the lunar surface and safely returned them to...

Bonita Senorita

The dance “Jarabe Tapatio” is also known as “The Mexican Hat Dance”. My model Lizeth, is one of the top performers in...

Black and white portraits

Some photos from my latest photo shoot. Love some moody golden hour photos.