Remember the fallen

The Manila American Cemetery and Memorial is located in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, Metro Manila, within the...

Just getting into this website

I took this yesterday in Clovis California and thought it would look cool with some photoshop action. Que Blackhawks...

Ben Franklin Bridge

so i originally shot this for color but i have been wanting to build a better body of B&W ...let me know what I'm...

Concrete sky

Test of the high resolution mode of my G9. Not the best situtation to do it but i'm happy of the result


As I roam the city of Pasay in Philippines, the facade of this hotel is quite different and attractive to a person who...

Studio shot

Natural light in my old studio space. I do miss that space a lot

Model: Anouk Hoekema

Model: Anouk Hoekema Photographer: Bram van Dal Camera settings Shutterspeed: 1/200 Aperture: F / 2.0 Iso: 125 Camera:...

Indulge - Fuji Black and White Conceptual Shoot

Recent set I did after discovering the Fuji color profiles tab were preserved in Lightroom CC Classic. (Mind Blown). I'...

First shots with lights in my living room turned studio space

I've never been good with lights, as I've never practiced and managed to rely on natural light for an embarrassingly...

My Oldest Friend

I actually picked this beautiful piece up from a vintage garage sale in California while on vacation. Do you have any...

Faces in the crowd

Every person has a story and motivation. In a street photo, I want your eye to grab the eyes of another and follow...

Model: Ewald Tienkamp

Model: Ewald Tienkamp Photographer: Bram van Dal Camera settings: Shutterspeed: 1/320 Aperture: F / 1.6 Iso: 640 Camera...

first time shooting black and white

Hi everybody, this is the first black and white photo I've taken and I am in love with it, but wondering if it's just...

Model: John Geerts

Model: John Geerts Photographer: Bram van Dal Camera settings: Shutterspeed: 1/500 Iso: F / 1.6 Iso: 640 Camera: Canon...

More to the Story

I love shooting black and white, I feel that whoever is viewing it gets more of a story behind the image. I feel that...

The Rev Puffrock

From a series 'The Front Porch' - first exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery in London as part of the John Kobal...

The Farmer's Daughter

From the Vintage Project.

My first shots at abstract photography

I would like to get some feed back on these abstract photos because I recently tried some B&W abstract photography...

Dawn at Duke University

I'm a newcomer to this website; introducing myself I work in the North Pavilion at Duke University; I often get to work...