
Your feedbacks are welcome


Critical comments invited

Wonder Woman

Canon 5dm3, ab1600. 35mm

Karst river

Critical comment invited

Thoughts about composition

Hello everybody ! I intentionally went to this particular location and had in mind to take photos that I'm gonna...

please critique me community

canon 1ds m3 300mm f/11 1/200 10 image pano photoshop+lightroom


Canon EOS 60D+Canon 85/1.8 f/2-85mm-1/100-ISO100 I use the Brenizer method to get good depht of field, so this one take...

Walk into the Fog

Another one from a foggy day at Reelfoot Lake Tennessee.

A Lit Pathway

Leave feedback if you have a different idea on bringing this more to life and want the original to play with! Also...

Foggy Morning at the Lake

This I shot at Reelfoot Lake in North West Tn. Camera was a Nikon D5200. I shot long exposure but I don't remember...

American Vampire

I shot this a few years back but its remained one of my favorite vampire shots. I'm always happy to read creative...

landscape of microdunes

This is not a field of giant sand dunes in a désert. This microforms measure a few centimeters in height. I wanted tout...

Sunset for Mom!

My mom loved black and white sunset photos? I have no idea why! Maybe someone can tell me, she past though about 18...

Simple Image

Pur with out any twirl...

White Out!

This church was on my list of things to shoot this winter. It's about 30km south of Winnipeg and sits between the north...

Portrait ll

To big story for such little number of characters.

Forest ICM

My first attempt at an ICM composition in among the trees. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Rocks and Water

I thought I would make a black and white image in honor of Ansel Adams birthday. Would love to know what you think.

B&W City

Taken from the observatory of Empire State Building

hit or miss

i had this in color but since i shot in low light the color didn't look very good any thoughts on the B&W