Fountain in infrared...

My first post here. This is a fountain in Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg, MB. I placed a Hoya 72 infrared filter on my...

The sea shore' Haifa Israel

I took a long exposure shot of the sea shore, since there was a bit of wind the flowers moved so I merged two pictures...

Deewali Celebration

Hello Friends, I am new to this group. Please rate this photo clicked by me. Your suggestions will improve my work...

Industrial sunset

Hello, Any suggestions to improve this shot ? Thank you

Sunwapta Falls

This image was taken from Sunwapta Falls located in Jasper National Park. It is one of the most beautiful scene &...

Dark Horse

First go at using a star tracker on a medium telephoto lens. This was shot at 70mm with and exposure time of 60". I...

First post on fstoppers

I’m fairly new to photography. Just picked it up but I have always had a passion for it. Got a camera this year and...

Are expensive ND filters worth it?

I use cheap ND filters from ebay, one of which is much better than the other. A circular 58mm one i use provides...

Trying new exposures with Variable ND filters

I got a new Variable ND filter and i'm trying some new exposures. No post production has been done yet but I think they...

I wish I had a better fore ground

"Kalbaishaki", is the name of thunderstorms at usually occur during this time of the year here in India WestBengal...

2001 a space odyssey monolith

Took this image this morning. Any ideas how I can improve it?

L16 Long Exposure

Hi all, Just joined F Stoppers and found this group. Thought I'd share a snap I took the other week whilst working in...

Niagara falls - any advice on this picture?

I took this at Niagara Falls, I like the way it came out. I did some post processing in lightroom and would love to get...

Open Heavens

Fighting to get this picture before the full moon came up and washed out the sky. When I first got on location, the...

Northern Illinois Trails

125 30 sec. Exposures stacked in photoshop. Shot with a D500, I plan to reshoot this one later this year with a D850.

star trails

Star trail photos taken in Vermont. Around 100 30 second exposures stacked together.

Long exposure without filters

Hello, check what i've created some years ago. That time i didn't have a nd filter, so had to make several exposures to...

Just go with the flow

Long exposure shot of waterfalls in Iceland.

Long expo of the dock in Waimea, Kauai

Shot this on my last trip to Kauai in 2017. Sun was coming up and captured this using a Lee Filter Big Stopper on my...

Falls on the road to Hana, Maui

I mainly shoot people and portraits, so this was one of the rare times I did a long exposure photo. It really takes...