Wedding Photographer Takes Mannequin Challenge To New Heights By Including Entire Wedding Party

If you happen to have been on the internet at any point in the past month, you’ll likely be well acquainted with the Mannequin Challenge, a new viral sensation in which participants remain still for the duration of a video recording, usually soundtracked with hip hop music. But now one wedding photographer, Suzanne Delawar, has taken things up a notch by managing to convince an entire wedding party to get involved.

The video – which Delawar uploaded just two days ago – has already notched up over 4 million views. At 90 seconds in length, the clip features several sequences and covers every aspect of the wedding party - from the bride getting ready, to iPhone-wielding guests in the church aisle (wedding photographers, I know what you’re thinking!), to the couple’s first dance.

With the internet ablaze of Mannequin Challenge attempts – including efforts from the likes of Beyonce and Kevin Hart – Delawar admits she approached her clients a mere two days before the big day to suggest the unconventional idea. Luckily for her, bride Jemima had been having similar thoughts, and they managed to get all of the guests and vendors on board. Each sequence was shot twice over, except the ceremony scene which was done in one take.

You can watch the video in its entirety below.

[via Adorama]

Jack Alexander's picture

A 28-year-old self-taught photographer, Jack Alexander specialises in intimate portraits with musicians, actors, and models.

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someone's moving at 1'02" with the green phone.
the idea is terrific tho !!!

Anytime I see these videos I'm always looking for the people who are moving. I think the mom winked but very slowly.

Dane Cook did his whole theater full during a stand up show.

Love it. Wonderful idea.

I love the concept and the look of the video. BUT how much more out of the moment can we get!

I just did the mannequin challenge this past weekend. Let me know what you think!