Essential Summer Photography Ideas and Techniques

Summer creates opportunities for striking images. Here are six great ideas and techniques to help you make the most of the season. 

Coming to you from Christian Möhrle - The Phlog Photography, this insightful video explores a range of summer photo ideas. Astrophotography during the summer offers an exciting challenge. From April to September, the Milky Way is visible in the Northern Hemisphere, with the best viewing opportunities in June, July, and August. Clear skies and low light pollution are essential for capturing the Milky Way. Shooting during a new moon and between midnight and 5 a.m. provides the best results. A wide angle lens (16-24 mm) with a large aperture (f/2.8) is ideal for these shots. Use the 500 rule to determine the maximum shutter speed to avoid star trails: divide 500 by your focal length. For example, a 24 mm lens would use a 20-second exposure at most. For those with crop sensor cameras, use 300 instead of 500.

Summer is also perfect for hiking and mountain photography. Trails are open, and the weather is comfortable. Mountain lakes and ridges offer stunning subjects. Use a wide angle lens (around 16 mm) to capture the expansive scenery, and visit lakes early in the morning or late in the evening for calm water and beautiful reflections. Mountain ridges make excellent leading lines in your composition, guiding the viewer's eye through the image. Telephoto lenses are great for dramatic shots of cloud-covered peaks. 

If mountains aren't accessible, fields and farmlands provide beautiful photo opportunities. Wheat fields during golden hour are picturesque but can be enhanced by including another element like a tree or barn. Use a wide angle lens to capture the texture of the wheat in the foreground and the subject in the distance. Summer fields often have hay or wheat bales, which add interest to your composition. Sunflower fields, with their vibrant blossoms, are another fantastic subject. Focus stacking can help achieve sharp results.

Waterfalls and canyons offer cool retreats and excellent photography spots. Early mornings provide magical light in canyons, while overcast days are perfect for waterfalls. Use a wide lens for capturing the full scenery and a telephoto lens for classic canyon views. Longer shutter speeds (1/3 to 1 second) create the smooth, flowing water effect in waterfall photos. If the light is too bright, use an ND filter to achieve the desired exposure. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Möhrle.

And if you do go on a hike or photograph storms, always remember safety first. 

And if you really want to dive into landscape photography, check out our latest tutorial, "Photographing the World: Japan With Elia Locardi!" 

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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